Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Q Awards

The Q Awards took place in London, England this past Monday. Honestly, I'd never heard of this awards festival until a few minutes ago, but the results of who won which award was interesting.

 The first thing that I noticed as I looked at the list of winners was Muse's name. I then glanced above the band's name to see the title "Best Act in the World Today." Muse is one of my favorite bands, so I was really excited for them in receiving such an award and for getting to the place they're at now. They deserve all the fame and credit they get, in my opinion. Although there is another band that is the "best act in the world today" in my opinion, I'm still really happy that this band obtained this award.

What I noticed next was that Blur had won the title for "Best Live Act." I only recently found Blur's music, but I'm enchanted by their songs "The Universal" and "Song 2." If this band performs songs even a fraction of how amazing they sound on their albums, then this award is absolutely deserved.

I'm surprised I'd never heard of this award ceremony until now, since it involves some really awesome bands and music. I'll definitely try to remember to watch the Q Awards on television or online next year. I offer my congratulations all the bands that just won titles at the Q Awards. 

Here's the full list of bands that won: 

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